Hannah McInerney

Senior Content Manager

There’s nothing more stressful than a surprise visit from an auditor so it’s important that auditees have easily accessible training data to present when it comes to their training requirements. Companies need to be able to prove that training has been delivered and affirmed by learners and this is easily done by iGaming Academy’s courses and the report section of our LMS.

How do we help the auditees/clients?


Our courses include:

  • An affirmation button that acts as an e-signature for the learner once they complete the training.
  • CPD accreditation which is a formal qualification.
  • An official certificate of completion that is downloadable via the certificates section on each learner’s portal.
  • A pool of questions which are randomised to ensure that questions are not repeated, and different sets of knowledge are tested.
  • A series of interactive questions throughout that allows the user to test their knowledge before sitting for the final test.

Reporting section:

  • We have many different reports that can aid the clients during their audits.
  • The reports can be generated from broad overviews of learner’s activities down to in-depth details of specific assessment questions.
  • All reports have multiple downloadable formats such as excel, PDF or HTML files.

The reports most often used by our clients during audits are:


The Learning Path Activity Report for all courses

  • This report provides the overall completion rates for all course modules for active learners on the portal.
  • The report also shows the status of each course for each learner which can be filtered to show those that have completed the training and those that are still pending.
  • It provides information on what courses have been completed including timeframes on how long the course took the learner to complete, start dates and completion dates.
  • This report shows the deeper details per individual staff member to show what they have replied to the assessment questions.
  • The number of attempts can also be found in this report to show the number of times an assessment was taken.

Assessment Diagnostic Report

  • Provides an overview of answers submitted during the final assessment of a module. This report is helpful to spot areas where further training may be required by staff.

Certificate Reports

  • Allows the admin user to download all certificates for staff who completed their training to prove that training has been completed.

Email Reports

  • Email reports allow the admin user to check when their staff have been emailed. This includes notification emails that are sent directly from the LMS to notify staff on new training, or reminder emails that are sent automatically from the system to notify staff of any pending mandatory training that needs to be completed.
  • This report can also be used to include any emails that are sent directly to a staff member’s Line Manager to notify them about members within their team that have not completed their mandatory training.

Custom Reports

  • Should there be a specific requirement that a client wants to see visible in any of the above reports, we can add these attributes to suit the needs of the client
  • Custom reports can also be built for a client’s own content, including policies, internal documentations and presentations, internal videos, surveys and questionnaires. The list is endless.