A recent report from the World Economic Forum estimated that by 2020 over a third of core skills in most occupations will be comprised of skills that aren’t considered critical today.

Being effective in today’s work environment – and particularly in a constantly-evolving field like iGaming – requires constant learning and upskilling. Digital technologies are moving so fast that new skills are being created faster we can learn them, so it’s critical we become adept at adapting.

Gone are the days when you could hone one or two core skills and forge a 40-year career out of it; today employees are expected to have at the very minimum a grasp of basic IT skills like Microsoft Office, and depending on the sector, competency in other areas such as analytics, modelling, coding or design.

As a fast-paced digital industry, iGaming is certainly no exception. But good news – upskilling is a rewarding mindset we can all easily adopt.

Top Tip: Learn Skills That Are In Short Supply


Today, business are fighting a battle for the most in demand digital skills: in the UK for example, 75% of businesses face digital skills shortages, with basic computer skills and communicating through digital channels being highly sought after. And it’s no different in the iGaming sector, with shortages in digital skills as well as others such as languages.

Individuals who develop in-demand skills are likely to be rewarded. Research by Barclays suggests that workers with digital skills earn around £10,000 more a year. Furthermore, as technology become even more crucial to business operations, those with a range of well-honed digital skills will be better poised to add value to companies – and therefore more likely to be hired. Developing additional ‘skills on the side’ could also insure you against artificial intelligence, as automation threatens to affect up to 60% of jobs.

For businesses, encouraging their employees to upskill is a great investment. It’s often cheaper to develop existing employees than hiring new ones, and by investing in people’s development, you may find you increase motivation and retention rates too.

Here are some tips for both individuals and managers on how to upskill for a successful future.

Get ahead in your career: 5 tips for individuals…

1 – Stay informed.
Keep up to date with what’s happening in your sector. Whether that’s new legislation, industry trends, the impact of an emerging technology; it pays to stay ahead of the game.

1 – Curate a network of mentors.
Build meaningful relationships with experts and colleagues in your field, listen to them and learn from them. Mentors will help you develop the skills you need to progress your career.

3 – Hone your in-demand skills.
Understand which of your skills are most in demand, and commit to striving for excellence in your field.

4 – Make the most of what your company offers.
Many firms offer workshops, training or e-learning. If your company offers optional training – one of our courses, for example – take advantage. It will show you are keen to progress yourself and might make you more eligible for promotion.

5 – Go above and beyond.
Exploring topics outside of your current remit can help you see new perspectives. Diversify your skills outside of what is required from your job. Whether that’s taking additional courses outside of work, or just listening to podcasts to keep you informed.

…and 5 tips for the managers! Build an awesome workforce


1 – Identify bottlenecks.
Focus on areas that your team needs to improve to remain competitive, and invest in these through training and development.

2 – Find ‘hidden’ capabilities (and support them).
Your UX developer might be a social media guru, your product manager might have an eye for graphic design. Encourage cross-collaboration to optimise the team’s overall capabilities.

3 – Lead from the front!
Upskill yourself. Show commitment to your team: if you are managing people who use programs that you aren’t personally an expert in – then get stuck in and learn.

4 – Enable collaboration.
People learn from others. Simply by placing different skill-sets alongside each other, agile teams can facilitate upskilling.

5 – Support development outside of core work.
Speak to the team about any non-core skills that would help them in their role and wider career. Investing in these skills will make them feel more valued as well as helping them add more to the team.

Take action: Start Today

Upskilling doesn’t need to be daunting. For motivated individuals that are committed to learning and developing further, there are huge potential benefits including better jobs, higher pay, and more work satisfactionView our courses today to see if we can help with your upskilling adventure.

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